Product Information

The MedSil™ lntragastric Balloon is designed to induce precocious satiety sensation, leading to decrease on food intake, enabling to learning of new feeding routines.
It consists of a medical grade silicone shell, with a valvular system and a removable catheter for introduction. It is designed to remain on the stomach for a period of up to six months. It is filled with sterile saline solution and eventually adding some methylene blue.
It can be adjusted according to the patient’s biotype to a filling volume of 400 to 700 ml.

Indication for use:
- Overweight patients with need to weight loss
- Patients with restrictions to anorectic medicines
- Obese patients with co-morbidity and restrictions for surgical procedures
- In prior to treatment to improve clinical conditions in patients indicated for surgical procedures
Advantages of the intragastric balloon:
- Placement and removal in day-care
- Totally endoscopic procedure
- No surgery needed to place the balloon
- Fast return the daily activities
- The patient is sedated for the procedure
- No physical restrictions to the patient
- Totally reversible procedure
Product Specs
Mechanical Testing
The MedSil™ lntragastric Balloon has all necessary certifications regarding its features and mechanical tests through experiments done in accredited laboratories.
- Systemic impact resistance of the filled balloon;
- Shell Fatigue resistance;
- Stretch testing of the Silicone-shell;
- Shelf Aging Process;
- Shell resistance to PH of Gastric juice.